Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Finally Understand Signs of U, Heat, and Work

A few weeks ago, I published a blog regarding the sign of work, which can be seen in here:

Today, I would like to wrap up all of the confusions regarding the sign.

Some of the notes are taken from LINK. Much thanks to their helpful illustrations and notes.

Let's begin with our universal first law of thermodynamic. U=Q+W

Sign of Q: 


When Q is positive, Heat is taken into the system, increasing the temperature, increasing the internal energy (U) which becomes positive.

When Q is negative, Heat is taken away from the system, decreasing the temperature, decreasing the internal energy U which becomes negative.

Sign of W:

When W is positive, the surrounding does work on the system, increasing the internal energy U which becomes positive. This means that temperature of the system will also increase because internal energy U is directly related to temperature.

This is the so-called Work is being done on the system (by the surrounding--to make it clear). This process is called Compression. As a result, the equation becomes U= E+W (Note: you can think of it as you need positive work to increase the internal energy U, that's why W HAS to be positive).

When W is negative, the system is doing work to the surrounding, decreasing the internal energy U which becomes negative. As a result, temperature of the system also decreases.

This is the so-called Work is being done by the system. This process is called expansion. As a result, the equation becomes U= E-W (Note: you can also think of this as you need work to be negative to decrease the internal energy U).

These observations explain why gas cools when expands and gas heats up when being compressed.

I hope this blog post has cleared out any confusion that any student might have had in their school.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Understand the Effect of Impurity on Boiling point and More Information on Melting point

As previous post has mentioned, adding impurity to solid would decrease the melting point due disrupted arrangement of the particles. For example, when you add impurity (say, MgF2) to NaCl, you are disrupting the ionic bonds between Na+ and Cl- ions. Putting F- next to Cl- will cause repulsion and same result will happen to Mg2+ and Na+. Because NaCl is a solid, they cannot rearrange themselves to avoid the repulsion. Due to this, the ionic bonds of NaCl will get weaken and thus, it requires less energy to melt them.

how about boiling point?

Impurity actually increases the boiling point of the liquid.

Let's use the same example from above. Imagine NaCl is in a solution now; adding impurity to it would actually stabilize the bonds! This is because in liquid, ions are free to rearrange themselves in order to achieve a maximum stability. Now, Mg2+ and Na+ are no longer repelled against each other. Rather, Mg2+ will rearrange itself to find his partners: Cl- and F-. Because of the additional stability from impurity, it requires more heat and energy to break the bonds! Boiling point increases as a result.