Saturday, March 28, 2015

My MCAT Schedule

Hi All,

I decide to tackle the new MCAT and try my hardest on this one. This came up because when I was working last Thursday, I realize that I have been working here for 6 months already. Time seems to fly very fast when you don't notice it. I brought this topic up when I was talking to one of my patients and he told me that you need to do what you want to know now because when you look back in 10 years, you will ask yourself why you didn't go for whatever you want to do when you had time. He was right; I am still young and I should focus on my career as early as possible. I decide to create my own schedule for my MCAT study and decide to make a post about my study everyday.

Here is my schedule:

Making a post everyday forces and allows me to focus and complete my task on time.

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